Penalty - shoot out
No matter how much you practice penalties, you just can't recreate the pressure of a shoot-out. We practiced this time, but we didn’t in 1998 and the result has been the same. I have taken two in major tournaments for England and you really can’t recreate that pressure. In training you can bend them into the top corner but when you don't know where your legs are - when you have got to look down to see your legs because you simply can’t feel them - it's totally different. No amount of training prepares you for that.
If you do practice, you're not going to do yourself any harm so if it does give you that extra confidence then I suppose it is worth doing but I am not sure it makes much difference. You can never remember what you did in training when you're on the pitch. Often the best players on the training pitch are the worst players in the team when it matters too - and what happens if you miss one in training? Your confidence will be shot to bits and maybe you're best not to take one at all. It depends how your mind works, I suppose.
若你只是想練習、沒打算傷害自己,而且練習真的會讓你得到額外的自信,那麼我想這是值得的做的,但我不確定這會改變多少。因為真正在PK的情況下,你永遠不會記得你在訓練的時候做了什麼。通常最好的球員們在練習時的表現會是最差的,就算那是個重要的練習也是一樣- 練習時失球會怎樣?你的自信會被炸成好幾bite,卻沒有一小bite會用在這上面。這樣的結果取決於你的心,我是這麼想的。
踢PK真的會嚴重損耗你的大腦神經,你有十秒鐘的時間把球放在罰球點上,接下來那顆球就會跟你的內心玩起來。你必須試著不去想那麼多,因為實在會有太多的問題在腦子繞。你可以在那邊想:我的隊友正站在身後,他們在幹嘛?有多少人正看著這兒?有多少pub, club, 跟房子?如果我得分,經紀人會想些什麼?如果我失分了他又會想些什麼?如果我失分,我會發生什麼事?你可以花一整晚去想這些問題,但你只有十秒鐘把一切屏除在外,然後專心的想著「我要得分」這件事情,這比比賽中的任何事情都來得耗費腦力。