翻譯/ 我
"The goals will come"
Satsified with his performance, Raul doesn't give himself a scoring deadline
Real Madrid star, Raul Gonzalez Blanco is satisfied with his work as well as with that of the team. As a goal-scorer, he knows putting the ball in the net is important, but he isn't worried about his scoreless drought. "The goals will come," he assured. With the Champions League clash against Dynamo right around the corner, the forward stated, "After losing to Lyon, we have to win if we want it to be up to us." Raul in his purest state.


Good patch leading up to the Ukrainians
“Winning is more important than anything else. After losing to Lyon, losing again would put our chances of moving on the next round in serious jeopardy. It's a crucial match. We have to win if we want it to be up to us in the Steaua tie.”

Yes, I am 100% better. I got some playing time against Betis and I trained well on Sunday and Monday. The coach decides who he's going to play. I was ready for Betis, and now I'm ready for Dynamo.”
He wants more
We've gotten off to a good starty in the League, but this teams still needs to give more. We are excited to be at the top of the table, even though it's still early. We hope we can make up more ground in the table in our upcoming matches. We played a good match against Betis and it's always hard to win there. We controlled the ball for most of the match, but we suffered a little towards the end.”

“Barcelona are champions of the League and the Champions League. They are playing well, but there are other strong teams like Valencia, Sevilla, us, and even Atletico. We'll be at the top of the table when all is said and done. I don't play for Barcelona so I can't talk about their pre-season, but they have a strong squad and they are definitely a team to take into account.”

“We knew it would be a complicated start with so many new players, but we're managing pretty well. The team is improving and we'll be where we want to be by October or November. The fans will be happy. We're getting there. We have new players and a new coach. We are pleased with our work, but we can do better. Wins boost our confidence and our morale is high. We have to win these next two games before the stop for national team play.”

The national team
“Being on the national team isn't my decision. I'm not going to talk about what I think. There's a national team coach, and there won't be any problems when he announces his list of players. It's his decision whether or not I'm on the team. I know what Luis Aragones thinks, I know what Real Madrid think, and I don't see any hidden agendas. I'm an athlete, not a fortune-teller.”

“Everything depends on how we do tomorrow. If we win, it's up to us when we play Steaua. Dynamo would have a tough time with two losses, but we have to beat them first. They aren't as good as they used to be, but they are always a complicated team. We'll give them a close look tomorrow when we watch video of them, but it definitely won't be an easy game.”

Just another team member
“I don't anything to complain about. I play for Real Madrid and there are 22 or 23 of us who want to play. All I can do is train as hard as I can. I haven't played as a starter, but it's not a big deal because I was injured. All that is important is that Real Madrid win. We each feel like an important piece of this team.”
“I feel phenomenal. I had a good pre-season, and I have a lot more rhythm. I have to continue working hard because there is always room for improvement. The goals will come. My position always gets scoring opportunities. I think I've got that spark. I'm better than I was 10 years ago, even two or three years ago. Everyone loves to score, especially at the Bernabeu, but things are what they are. I am working well and the coach is happy. I have to accept my new position. I have to improve and take advantage of my opportunities, because I am sure the goals will return.”


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