My perfect day
Away from football, my perfect day would be: get up at 8 o'clock, go and play 18 holes of golf. I'd take my suit with me and walk straight off the golf course which we have got in Chester, which is right next the race course, and go to the horses. I've done it too: our lads' day was 8 o'clock tee off, 18 holes, in by 12 o'clock, bit of lunch, walk down to the races, then after the races out into town on Saturday night after my horse has won, and have a few beers together. How often do my horses win? Well, I had one win a Chester and that is exactly what happened! And that was the best day I ever had! We went to the races and met up with my wife and my daughter there. They were all dressed in beautiful dresses, my horse won, my mates had a great time, and then it was into town. Perfect!
遠離足球,我完美的一天應該是這樣的:8點起床,然後去玩18洞的高爾夫。我會帶著我的西裝一起去然後走完我們在Chester得到的(?)高爾夫球場,那就在賽馬場旁邊,然後去騎馬。我也已經做過這個:(這裡是講打高爾夫的事情,高爾夫我不懂)....8點打到12點,在用完午餐之後,走去看賽馬,在週六晚上看完我的馬贏了以後,一起喝點啤酒。我的馬兒們多久會贏一次咧?我有一隻真的曾經贏得一個Chester(這到底是啥??) ,那天是我所遇過最棒的一天了!
What the world cup means back home
When you play in a big world cup match, you know it's massive back home but you never quite appreciate the sheer scale of it - or at least, you don’t see the details. It's not just 50 million supporters back home, it's that there is only one game on and it's yours, it's that people are watching all over the world. It's only afterwards when you come home that you reflect on it and someone says: "Oh, you should have seen the pub when you scored". And then you think: "How many pubs are there in England? And how many households?" You know it's big but sometimes it takes somebody to say something like that for you to fully appreciate it, to think: "Yeah, it must be unbelievable."
I was an England fan once myself as a kid so I have been through the traumas of getting knocked out on penalties in Italy; I know the highs and lows. It will be strange when I retire and go back to being a fan again. After all, that's what all of us are - as well as players, we're all fans. It's great to be able to do something about it, instead of watching it on the telly and kicking every ball but doing it emotionally rather than physically.
我必須坦承我不是很愛看電影的人。在家的時候,我拿著電視遙控器會轉到足球、賽馬或是體育新聞。此外,就永遠只有我女兒Gemma看的卡通。我不太看電影,我算過我到目前為止的人生中大概只有去過電影院三次吧。我已經很久很久沒去了--除了"Goal!"的首映會之外,因為紐卡索(歐文目前的母隊)的關係。我也為了同樣的原因看過"Real Madrid, the Movie"(皇馬大電影,歐文還在皇馬時皇馬出資拍的影片)這部片。但是如果要我選出我最愛的五部電影--事實上這不太可能,因為我連講出我曾看過的5部電影都有困難!好吧...嗯,「侏儸紀公園」我看過。我爸跟我說我一定要看「壯志奔騰」這部片所以我看了--結果我睡著了,隨著片尾的謝幕音樂聲醒來(噗)。我大概10歲的時候看過「瘋癲總動員」(迪士尼的一部勵志運動片),而我的夥伴Jamie Carragher喜歡「征服情海」還有「飛越杜鵑窩」兩部片,但是我通通都沒看過。因此,我想我最喜歡的五部電影是--"洛基系列"--「洛基1」、「洛基2」、「洛基3」、「洛基4」、「洛基5」。哈,對,那就是我的top five。
Nine million campaign
Football has given me so much, which is why I am so happy to be supporting the Nine Million Campaign to use football to help refugee children throughout the world. There are 20 million refugees, of which nine million are children, and the campaign aims to help them by raising money and awareness. The project aims to provide education and opportunities for children. A third of the money raised will be used to hand out nine million specially-developed hard-wearing footballs - one for every child in refugee camps all over the world - in an attempt to bring some joy to their lives. The chance to play and have fun might seem basic but it is denied to too many kids.
足球給了我很多,這就是為什麼我很高興贊助了「the Nine Million Campaign」的原因,這個活動讓足球幫助全世界的難民孩童。全世界有2000萬的難民,裡面有900萬個是小孩,這個運動主要透過募款和覺醒來幫助他們。這個計畫旨在提供教育和機會給孩子們。1/3的募款將會特別被用在發展困難的900萬人們磨損破爛的足球上面,1/3則用在全世界在難民營中的每個小孩身上-以求帶給他們的生活一些喜樂。給他們這樣玩耍和開心的機會或許很基本,但是很多孩子都沒有這個福分。